全球网络学者 (GCS) Program at the Connecticut Institute of Technology


The 网赌上分平台 has established itself as a national and international leader in cybersecurity digital forensics research and education. The University was designated by the National 安全 Agency and Department of Homeland 安全 as a National Center of Academic Excellence in Cyber Operations, one of 21 in the United States. We boast state of the art laboratories, the Samuel S. Bergami小. Cybersecurity Center, and our hacking team rivals the nation's best.


We care deeply about cybersecurity, and we produce students that work at many government agencies in the United States. We understand the shortage and the need for deeply technical cybersecurity talent and digital forensics skills worldwide, 因此, we would like help in Securing the Future of not only the United States, 但在世界范围内. The goal of this scholarship 程序 is to support individuals and organizations that protect the global 关键基础设施 through their work in Cybersecurity. We want to support worthy students from around the world who work in these areas and are interested in earning the Master of Science in Cybersecurity and Networks at the 网赌上分平台.

We offer our students in law enforcement and other 关键基础设施 areas worldwide to gain a stronger education through a pursuit of a master’s 学位, and research opportunities at a top 程序.

Three distinct categories exist under the GSC 程序 targeting individuals in law enforcement, 关键基础设施, 和政府.

  • Law Enforcement Authority (LEA) Cyber Scholars: These are individuals that work for any national or international law enforcement agency with a B.S. 学位.
  • Critical Infrastructure (CI) Cyber Scholars: These are individuals that work for any 关键基础设施 organizations, 无论是公共的还是私人的. This 程序 is open for individuals that work in the following domains:
    • 化学
    • 商业设施
    • 通信
    • 关键的制造业
    • 大坝
    • 国防工业基地
    • 紧急服务
    • 能源
    • 金融服务
    • 粮食和农业
    • 政府设施
    • 健康care and Public 健康
    • 信息技术
    • Nuclear Reactors, Material, and Waste
    • 交通系统
    • Water and Wastewater Systems
  • Government Cyber Scholars (GCS): These are individuals that work for any government agency.
  • Not-For-Profit Cyber Scholar (NCS): These are individuals that work for not-for-profits.


Students that receive the scholarship will be recommended through their employer once they apply to our MS 程序 in Cybersecurity and Networks.

Our MS in Cybersecurity and Networks 程序 affords anyone with any Bachelor’s 学位, even if their 学位 is not in computing, to enter our 程序 by taking up to four "bridge", waivable, 课程. The 课程 are in 程序ming, 操作系统, 和网络, that are designed to efficiently fill in the students’ technical gaps with only a few additional credits.


  • Students with a Bachelor’s 学位
  • Students that can illustrate they would be a good fit for one of our scholarship 程序s (1) LEA Cyber Scholars, (2) CI网络学者, (3) GCS网络学者, and (4) NCS Cyber Scholars.
  • Students will have to be enrolled in our 程序 under fulltime status.

奖励等级(25% - 33%)

Based on the strength and merit of each applicant, the students can receive anywhere between a 25%-33% scholarship on tuition. Living expenses and stipends are not part of this scholarship 程序.


  1. 向我们的 MS in Cybersecurity and Networks
  2. Once accepted into our 程序, you would need to submit:
    1. 奖学金声明
    2. Proof of employment in LEA, CI, or Government